Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Grain ships and murder: Sara Paretsky's Deadlock.

     Sara Paretsky. Deadlock (1984) Warshawski’s cousin “Boom Boom” Warshawski, erstwhile star Blackhawks player, is found dead and floating in the Chicago grain loading port. Vic doesn’t believe he slipped on wet wharf wood. Her search for the truth leads her through the Great Lakes shipping industry, dysfunctional families, and a close encounter with death. All’s well that ends well, of course.
     A nicely plotted yarn, with the now obligatory touches of real life, carefully researched and built into the story. Paretsky’s talent is a nice mix of characterisation, plotting, and ambience. I’ve enjoyed her books, and am happy when I find a new-to-me title in the used book section of the foodbank yardsale. **½

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