Monday, July 26, 2021

Planes glide through the air like fish

A comment by an ex-airman in a newsgroup prompted me to publish this as a separate post. It's also available on the Page of Stories.


Before I knew why airplanes stayed up, I thought they glided through the air like fish through water. Later I found out it wasn’t like that at all, a fish can’t fall to the bottom of the lake because it has a pocket of air inside it, but a plane stays up because it moves. Sharks don’t have a pocket of air, they must keep moving or they will fall to the bottom like an airplane falling from the sky.

We lived by a lake, whose clear water revealed the bottom six or more feet down. The fish were dark slashes against the grey green silt, or a swift gleam of silver as they turned. In the mornings and evenings, the fishers went out on the lake to set and fetch their nets.
    The fishers stood up in a long flat bottomed boat, leaning and straightening as they pumped the square bladed oar, he tall and stooped in the stern, she short and round in the bow. They’re shovelling water, I thought, I didn’t understand how that could move the boat forward. The fishers stuck the small fish onto pine splints which they ranged in the smoke house chimney. The smoked fish tasted salt and sweet at the same time when one gnawed them off the wood.
    I watched the fishers mend nets, watched their hands and fingers move out and back with a twist as they fed and knotted the line with a flat, narrow piece of wood. I didn’t see how the line could make a knot with only one end free. The nets hung on frames made of pine poles, moving in the wind like waves on the water, bleached white and soft by the sun.

Many years later, in another country, I learned Bernoulli’s equations and Boyle’s law, and understood how air moving over the wing made the wing lift the plane. For a few weeks I understood the equations that defined drag and turbulence, too, well enough to pass the test. Now I understand only their meaning, a lovely interplay of velocity, pressure and viscosity, with which the airplane designer and pilot co-operate.
     I learned a lot of other things too, I understood the engineer’s and metal worker’s craft, their exquisite skill lavished on the bombers that glided through the sky, making death beautiful and distant.

The bombers looked like fish against the sky, gleaming silver, but not like fish, sliding across the blue air, steady and inexorable, and making a sound you felt in your bones, a sound that struck across the sky and flowed into the earth and came up through your feet and made your teeth buzz. Then black flowers bloomed on the horizon where the railway junction was. Many years later I saw pictures of black chrysanthemums, they bloomed like smoke against a blue sky. My friend’s mother died among the roots of one of those flowers, but that was before he was my friend, before we even knew of each other’s existence.

One day a plane came in low over our house, and fell into the lake, trailing a black and orange flag. My mother said my brother could see the pilot’s face, I must have seen it too as I stood next to my brother, but he can remember it and I can’t, I wonder if that’s why he hides his melancholy. I hide mine too, but not in the same way, he bursts out in sudden attacks of craziness, roaring like a monster, pretending to be Grendel, or the giant that ate an Englishman and ground his bones for bread. My Grandpa read us that story, I loved the bits where Jack steals the gold and the hen and the harp, and runs to the beanstalk along the winding cloudy road. The harp betrayed the thief, an early lesson on the deviousness of artists.
    I tell people I’m fine, when they ask. I ask them, too, and they tell me they are fine. We tell each other we are fine, making up a fine story about how fine the world is, and what a fine time we are having this fine afternoon, while we eat a fine meal made on a fine barbecue in a fine garden owned by a fine neighbourly neighbour.

For several weeks, I understood the equations that explained airplanes, then we wrote a test and I forgot them. I didn’t forget what they explained. Whenever I look at a plane I see the air flow over its wings, faster on top and slower underneath, holding up the plane, a plane that weighs more than the largest steam locomotive ever built, and as the jet climbs into the sky like a man going up a flight of stairs, I know that if the air peels off the wings in unseen swirls and whirlpools, the plane will crash, but we won’t make a white splash in the water because there’s no lake under us, just grass and asphalt. A black and orange flower will bloom in the field at the end of the runway.
    When the fishers pump the oar, eddies and swirls peel off it and press against the blade, and that presses the boat forward. What brings down the plane moves the boat forward. Nature has her ways. If you work with her, she rewards you with flying planes and gliding boats.

My cousin and I used to go into the park next to our house. The oaks and beeches and maples and pines and firs and sycamores made it a quiet place, the only sounds the rustle of the leaves high above us and the scuff of our feet in the duff. We thought of it as a secret place, known only to us, a source of treasure, a landscape of adventure. Once we saw the wreck of an airplane caught high in the branches of the trees. We took one of the transformers that had come loose and fallen to the ground, and for a long time after we had fine copper wire to play with, varnished a rich mahogany red. My cousin told me we could make snares and catch fish, or make electrical stuff, if we wanted. Just thinking about the possibilities hidden in the coils of fine, dark red wire was enough, it made us happy. We hid the transformer in the gazebo and took it out to relish the technical perfection of its windings, fine as hair.
     A day or two after we found the transformer we were forbidden to go into the park, a prohibition we could not understand until we heard talk among the grownups about the dead pilot of the airplane hanging in the branches of the sycamore tree. We waited for our chance and crept back into the park but the wreck had been removed. As usual, the grownups had spoiled our fun, but we were used to it, and went about our business.

When it rained, the snails came out of the underbrush, their shells banded yellow and black and sometimes orange. The shells gleamed in the wet. I gathered up the snails and set them on the pine-log railing of the gazebo and waited for them to race each other. The snails came out from their shells, waving their antennae, testing the air for danger. They crawled over the curve of the railing and fell into the grass and disappeared.

One day the sirens moaned while I was building forts and jetties with the rocks at the edge of the water. I ran up the slope to the road, a cyclist rushing home knocked me over. The wheels of his bike scraped my bare belly, there was no other injury. My mother dressed us in two layers of underwear, and two layers of overcoats, the topmost one made from a bright red blanket. We must have looked like little red snowmen. The woollen vest itched, I cried with vexation in the cellar. We heard the bombers fly over, they seemed closer this time, perhaps the cellar magnified their sound, it came out of the ceiling and the floor and the walls. When the bombs hit the railway yards, we felt the thump, and a small cloud of dust drifted down from the ceiling. The lights flickered and went out. One of the grownups lit a candle, the light made a boundary around us like a wall. We huddled up next to Mother, and felt secure. But the vest still itched.
    When I hear sirens in a war movie these days, something grabs my throat and squeezes tears from my eyes.

I visited the lake again recently. The mountains that stood on the opposite shore still stand there, self-sufficient and silent. High above them, a contrail divides the sky. I can’t see the plane, but I know it glides through the air like a fish glides through water.

Lapham's Quarterly: States of Mind


 Lapham’s Quarterly XI-1: States of Mind Psychology. The most common idea is that the Mind is somehow non-physical, separate and different from the brain and body in which it resides. As in the doctrine of the soul, which is embedded in Christian and other theologies. I find that odd, since the Creeds affirmed by most Christians refer explicitly to the resurrection of the body, not the survival of the immortal soul.
     But to get back to the book: Assuming that Lapham and his staff have assembled a representative collection of snippets, Mind and Self are often conflated, as are Consciousness and Self. This too strikes me as odd. Define “mind” as the ability to reason, to solve problems, to formulate goals and methods of achieving them. Then creatures (and machines) with brains clearly have some kind of mind, but not necessarily a sense of self, and most of them apparently not even consciousness.
     What this collection shows us more completely than the textbooks is that the notions of mind, self, and consciousness are inextricably bound up with each other. More, whatever mechanisms account for one will in part account for the others. These three concepts depend on each other. It’s a simple (but I think fallacious) step to infer that the phenomena labelled by these words must also depend on each other. “Soul” is an attempt to account for their apparent mutual dependence.
     Anyhow, “consciousness” is the “hard problem”. How can one and a half pounds or so of living matter the consistency of Jello give rise to the certainly that “I” exist? I think the answer begins with the observation that brains make sense of the data acquired by the sense organs. All living things interact with their environment in order to harvest the energy that sustains them and the substances that enable them to reproduce.
     Brains enable organisms to do so more effectively by solving a wider range of problems, by overcoming a wider range of obstacles to continued existence and reproduction. Brains create something like an image or map of the environment. At some level of complexity, the brain creates an image of the organism itself. More complexity, and the brain creates an image of the organism within the environment. The next level of complexity creates an image of the organism creating that image. (This may be why we use the metaphor of a mirror when we “reflect upon our experience”.)
     Or something like that. When it comes to understanding our minds, our conscious selves, there’s much handwaving in the explanations. All of them offer some insight. All of them help the reader (me) extend and clarify their own notions and insights.
     One of the essays recounts how Jung arrived at the concept of “psychological types”, and its consequence that we are fundamentally unable to understand people who are not the same type as we ourselves. It’s the same reason that we can’t imagine what it’s like to be a bat. ****

Kaleidscopes in the 1980s


  Cozy Baker. Through the Kaleidoscope... and Beyond (1987) Second, expanded edition of a catalogue of US kaleidoscope makers and vendors in the 1980s. Some history of the toy, including a copy of the inventor’s patent application. Some colour plates, a handful of nicely done black and white drawings, and photos of most of the artisans. The book seems to be a vanity project by Ms Baker. No doubt useful for kaleidoscope fans at the time, and possibly useful for anyone wanting to write a history. Printed on heavy paper in a well-made cloth case. The colour plates are well printed, but do not add as much information as I would like. Not a keeper. **

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Del Rey's Mortals and Monsters


Lester del Rey. Mortals and Monsters (1965) Del Rey was a good journeyman writer. He supplied the pulp fiction trade with reliably entertaining tales, many of which suggested deeper questions than his protagonists tangled with. The irony wasn’t lost on his readers, though: The guy who invented time-travel by stealing a time-travel machine from a museum erected in his memory gets himself trapped in an eternal loop, a whirlpool in the river of time. The reader exists outside the fictional universe and sees the loop that’s hidden from the thief.  So who or what is the observer of our universe, watching us drifting on the river of time?
     A man whose body rejects the rejuvenation treatments realises that a limited life-span has more value than an unlimited one. An autonomous robot who doesn’t understand instinct learns what it is when his team recreates a human. An alien stranded on Earth manages to persuade a human to help him get home (but it’s a tougher story than the movie ET). And many more. Pulp fiction is underrated: the authors use the expected tropes and stereotypes, but the must make their tales newer than last month’s publications, so they ask questions that can lead us into the most subtle and profound of the enigmas that puzzle us.
     A good collection. ** to ***

Aliens and Other Strangers: Dickson's The Stranger.


Gordon R. Dickson. The Stranger (1987) It seems our obsession with extra-terrestrial life has needed assuaging for centuries. One of the earliest fantasy fictions was written in the 1600s. The traveller used geese to fly him to the moon, where he encountered aliens. Of course, in that century Europeans encountered many new peoples. Travellers’ tales were very popular. Extending the itch for exploration stories to the Moon was I think an inevitable step, even though the technology of the time mean it was speculative fiction.
     Dickson, like most SF writers, riffs on the Alien, and does so better than most. Some are stranded on Earth, some are sought by Earthlings, some are denizens of the far future, one is a machine that manages global life (and tolerates no opposition). Like all tales about encounters with the Stranger, they tell us as much about the teller as the told. Dickson has a generally optimistic view of humankind: his protagonists usually prevail. The dangers come from human hybris, stupidity, or moral lethargy.
     The collection includes work from the 1950s to the 80s. The earliest stories can be read as expressions of the Western fear of Communist domination: the Stranger disguises appearance and intention. The later stories explore the notion of “stranger” in the widest sense: we humans are the strangest critters we know. Worth reading. ** to ****

Thursday, July 01, 2021

215 Graves


I wrote this a week ago, it's a little rough around the edges.

 215 Graves

215 Graves with no names
215 names lost forever
215 sparks of God's fire
drifting away on the river.

They were worlds of wonder loving God's bounty
Loving the earth and the sky and the river.
It carried them on, it swept them away,
Time’s cruel waters drowned love's fire.

215 Graves with no names...

Pride and power took them from family
Took them for shaping as if they were clay
But God's spark within them resisted the potter
Flamed bright and loving until they gave way.

215 Graves with no names...

Then they were buried, discarded, forgotten;
The warm earth received them and held them safe,
Safe from the beatings, the scoldings and pain,
Dreaming of fathers and mothers and home.

215 Graves with no names...

Now we have found them, now their bones cry to us,
Were you the ones who talked of Christ’s love?
Now we must reckon with guilt of our ancestors,
But power and pride live on in us.

215 graves with no names....

We’re all one family, children of Earth,
Earth-mother who offers us love of each other,
Love that can heal us, love that can lift us
Above pride and power, above guilt and fear.

215 graves with no names....

When we let go of the greed that defines us,
The greed that we think will free us from fear,
Then the bones of the children will rise up and embrace us
And love will reshape us into children of light.

215 graves with no names
215 names to recover
215 sparks of God’s fire
lighting the way to love.


© 2021 W. Kirchmeir

Time (Some rambling thoughts)

 Time 2024-12-08 to 11  Einstein’s Special Relativity (SR) says that time is one of the four dimensions of spacetime. String theory claims t...